Saturday, August 26, 2006

OPPS.......I have new books

SO, its been a while since I've posted properly. There is a valid reason for this that is other than the absolute chaos that is the SUMMER HOLIDAYS (a punishment for parents I think) So other than the fact that the small boy has trashed my house, cost me money in the form of new uniform stuff and generally been a nightmare, and that is that I have 'found' a new author who I love. George R. R. Martin, who's first book in the series I'm currently reading was 800 pages long! Its a fantasy epic written in glorious detail, and I can barely tear myself away from it to have a bath (actually I just take it with me, and take it to town as well) I'm on the fourth book, and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves David Eddings, cos its a lot like his writing but on a far grander scale. So, thats all I have to write today, as I took the boy to town and acccidently bought myself a new jigsaw too (I know how sad that is, honest I do) and I must go read, so that once I'm done reading I can puzzle. Maybe something exciting will happen next week!!!!!!!

Oh, thou I should mention the tit-ish-ness of my fellow staff. One in particular was asking that the afternoon staff take some of the load off of the evening supervisors. This was a valid request, as there is a lot to do of an evening. HOWEVER, not only was the staff member in question unable to 'take some of my load off' when she worked in the afternoon the other day, but she also left me the stuff SHE had been asked to do, which I did, cos I always do pick up the slack, but I am mighty pissed off by it, to the point where I may have told someone to NEVER help her out by doing evening work in the afternoon